Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Innovation or lack there of...

Currently, in my world everyone seems to call themselves an "innovator"... Innovation, is defined by Websters dictionary as: the introduction of something new , or a new idea or method.

MY THOUGHT IS: How can people create innovations when everything that is created is based off something old.

For example...

I am surrounded by aspiring artists, photographers, fashion designers ect.

Constantly every now and then out of this group of people true innovators arise. But this is rare. My point is .. how can certain people call themselves innovators when what they are learning, using to build their style and creativity on, is something that is a METHOD that has already been established by someone else.

Granted today we may not come across another Plato or Aristotle. Or would be lucky if we stumbled across another TRUE artistic bunch such as Andy Warhol's Factory People.
But the day someone proves to be a true innovator ,to invent or establish a specific new way of mastering their craft , will prove to have overcome one of the greatest challenges of today's modern day society.

At least in my eyes.

So to those I have mentioned above ... including myself the key i believe in all this is, to remember who truly was the innovator in your craft and to not get caught up in "your scene", because in reality you probably don't understand what true innovation is .

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