Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"You were my exception"

After lines like this in most romantic comedies , such as "Hes just not that into you" two people begin to mac it and every girl's heart melts and every guy begins to cringe because now he has to live up to a brand new standard.

MY THOUGHT IS: face it ladies you are not going to meet the Edward Cullen of your dreams.

These fictional characters are made up for a reason... the people creating them cannot find a perfect man so they have to pull one out of thin air and make a story about them.

Now don't place me as a pissed off feminist who holds some type of anger against imperfect men because of this statement. I'm simply putting it out there, that your not going to get perfect ever! So all forms of media should stop showing you this.

What you are going to have to do is have to care about someone by accepting their flaws. Granted if the flaws are to much for you obviously break up with them and move on to the next. But at one point and time you are going to have to start accepting things.

My point is not to lower your standards but don't hold someone up to the standard that they are going to have to bring you to a forest of violets and confess there undying love for you.

I am a sucker for things like "Twilight" myself.
But sometimes we need a little reality check.
Don't settle ... it is possible to find someone you really care for... just not the way the romantic novels tell you things happen.

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